some guy in form 2, benjamin mark and his fellow classmates has been quarantined at home for a week.. i guess a lot of parents would be nervous and scared.. some even don't let their own kids go to school. 0.o honestly, it's no big deal about the virus..
so, i didn't go to school today.. NOT because im avoiding the swine flu thingi... i just didn't wanna go to school cuz I know there wouldn't be much classes and I don't wanna waste time. Skyped with my sister the whole morning.. it's great catching up with her. :D
headed to curve for lunch and then had to go for dental appointment at 2.30pm. i recieved a phone call suddenly when i was having lunch saying that the dentist's car broke down and i have to postponed my appointment. -_____-" crazzeeeee..
here i am now in my dad's office waiting for my mom to finish her hair-do.
*btw, james lee has been quarantined at home for a week and...
ee choong is quarantined at the sg. buloh hospital right now. :/
i will be doing a check-up either tomorrow or wednesday as im still having flu, cough, mild fever and diarrhea.. hope im not infected.. ishh..
AND i will be doing an x-ray of my heart. :/
im not sure whether smkdu is close down for a week.. heard that ppl say it was on the ntv7 news..