Sunday, September 20, 2009

how you love me..

went to Calvary Chuch instead this morning since SIB is having some LIVE RECORDING thingi.. they are releasing their own album.
my parents dont really appreciate these kind of songs.. they said its very.. *youth-like*
i honestly find that some of their songs are really good though.

had dinner with my family and my cousins family *the KAH family* at 'Kin Shui Tei' that night.. the japanese restaurant again at the clubhouse..

kahmee, daddy, mommy, aunt, uncle and kahleng..

daddy, mommy, aunt and uncle again..

enjoying his ishiyaki kobe beef..

sake. :D



benton set.

yakiniku udon.

stone grill kobe beef.

teppan seafood set.

seafood set.

western style kobe beef.

fish set.


'maccha' ice-cream.
i love Green Tea ice-cream..
yummyyyy. :D
vanilla ice-cream.
NOT green tea..
the total amount we ate tonight was rm1051.70
heart attack man. xP

enjoying my green tea ice-cream.
szehwei tagged me a photo on facebook..

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